Chair Colin Mincher                                                                           

Vice Chair Chris Austin

Clerk Susan McNabb                                                                                                                                                                 



You are summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council


 which will be held on Thursday 21 September 2023 at Back Room of Colburn Village Hall, at 6:00pm The Agenda for the meeting is set out below:

Access to Information Procedures.  Recording of meetings.  Members of the public are allowed to film, make sound recordings and use social media to record all public items on our Agendas, provided that, they provide advance notice to the Chairman by the start of the meeting. 
Filming and recording is overt. Filming and recording is not undertaken in a manner which the Chairman considers to be disruptive or distracting to the good order and conduct of the meeting. Members of the public present also have the right NOT to be filmed or recorded"

1     To Receive apologies and approve reasons for absence.


2     To Receive from Councillor’s any declarations of Interest under the Council’s

       Code of Conduct.


       To Receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests.

       To Grant any request for dispensation as appropriate.


3   Open Forum: members of the public have the opportunity to raise matters for  

       consideration by the Council. Time allowed 3 minutes each person maximum time

       15 minutes.

       speak on an agenda item when such items are reached, they are expected to raise their

       hand to attract The Chairman’s attention.



4    To Confirm the minutes of the Meeting 19 May 2023.



5     Co-option of Mark Hill to the Parish Council (Councillors received application prior to








  6 Reports:

      To Receive the following Reports:


  6.1 Police Report





6.2 County Councillor




7. Planning


All Planning Issues had been dealt with
















8 . Other Issues :

        To Discuss the future of the roundabout now Lakeside have ended contract.



         To Discuss Issues with Play Parks in St Giles Park which are currently taken care of

         By NYCC, - Reports issued to Councillors prior to the meeting.


         To Update on Barratt Homes in relation to Trustgreen. Report issued prior to meeting


         To Receive the outcome Highways visit to Beecherstowe Drive  

         reference reported parking issues report issued prior to meeting




          To Discuss Notice Board at Cookson Way – fixed window cannot be

           Replaced. It is possible to see items through the window at present.


          Decision to hold   Defribilator training – restricted to 10 persons for training purposes.


          To receive the Chairman’s suggestion to follow Colburn Town Council in arranging

           a Scarecrow/gardening competition.


           To Discuss the reported ongoing ASB on bin which is the responsibility of NYC.





     Parish Finances



     To Confirm the Financial Monthly Balance


     To Confirm payments via bacs


      Update on Banking Arrangements – Ongoing Clerk/RFO written to bank again

      Colin has completed mandate to add him on as Chairman – to enable payment/transfer

      to Unity bank – ongoing.


      Bulbs and seeds have arrived suggestion that we plant the roundabout and share bulbs    

      with Colburn Town Council in exchange for help to plant and sow.




       Signed Mrs Susan McNabb Clerk/RFO


       Items for next meeting.


Please note any items for next meeting will not be included in the minutes of this meeting
















































